White Flag |
With many nations struggling against a mounting financial crisis one nation has come out ahead. And that's France (I know, we were just as shocked). According to the French Finance Minister, France "has experienced a temporary increase to the National treasury," he then added some classic French logic that "while this influx is only temporary we do believe that if we use it properly it will help us in the future."
How is all this possible? The French government has begun selling off it's National White Flag Reserve or the NWFR. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who has been trying for some time to get money put into a fund for him and his mistresses, said "we have not had to tap into the NWFR for some time now, so we figured it would be OK to sell most. We keep a few on hand that have sufficed in times of need."
The sale of the flags is expected to bring in quite a bit of money, but the exact amount has not been released. The majority of the flags are expected to be bought up by the Japanese to be used to make new national flags, seeing as all they'd have to do is draw a red circle in the middle. The Dutch are also expected to purchase a few. When asked what interest the Dutch had in white flags, Prime Minister Jan Belkenende responded "They were cheap." Along with the Japanese and the Dutch, Nancy Pelosi announced her intentions to purchase some of the flags, we can only assume in an attempt to work with the new Republican majority in the House. We attempted to contact Ms. Pelosi, but she never returned our calls.
The French Finance Minister did make it clear that they were "not selling all of their white flags, just the majority of what was in the NWFR," saying "we still have some on hand so if you try to invade, just know, we are prepared."
Russ VanAllen
Chief Correspondent of Awesomeness.