Hello, I'm Russ VanAllen. I'm sure you all know who I am. If you don't, well, I'm so sorry. Now I wanted to take some time out of my incredibly busy schedule to talk to you about people who add little smiley or winking faces whilst typing, yet aren't really doing those things. If you didn't actually smile at your comment, you should not be adding in one of these :). If you didn't wink at your computer screen, then why are you adding this ;)? If you add one of these :D then why aren't you...well actually, I'm not sure what that's supposed to be...are you gaping? Maybe surprised?...I'm not sure...Anyway little emoticon thingies should follow the same rules as "LOLing" or "ROFLing" or "LMAOing". If you didn't laugh out loud or roll on the floor laughing or if your a** didn't literally fall off while in a fit of laughter you just lied to whoever you were typing to. How can you look yourself in the mirror knowing that? Now, you may be saying "Russ, you hypocrite, you lie everyday. How can you criticize me for it?" Where that may be true, you must remember I'm a professional. I graduated with a BS in Arts and I'm able to lie flawlessly and make it seem natural. In fact my lies are so perfect they become the truth...which then means I didn't lie thus making me not a liar...? So in short don't go throwing around little emoticon thingies unless you are smiling or creeperishly winking at somebody or sitting with your mouth open...seriously, what is that? :D, it's just weird...
Russ VanAllen
This has been a special presentation of Russ' Corner brought to by Russinize Your Day.
Well this is just perfect ;)