Why does Al Gore push so hard to fight the supposed Global Warming? Well, there can only be one explanation (He's in cahoots with Toyota?), and that is, Al Gore is an alien. That's right, I know that may be hard to believe because he seems so down to earth (ba-dum tsh), but it's true. Now, you may be saying "hold up Russ, what are you talking about?" (Don't worry, I'm there with you) but it fits. Al Gore wants us to combat Global Warming because he is an alien from outer space who needs the cold to survive (So, it's not just to get us to buy a Prius?). So what a better way than to create a buzz about the globe getting hotter (Tssssssssss...) so that everyone will work to make things cooler (Um...not Tsssssssss...) thus allowing for Al Gore to live on to bring joy to our hearts (....). But, I have a message for Mr. Gore: watch your back Al (Or I'll drive a Prius into it (What?) What? (What does that even mean?) I don't know, I was just trying to, ya know, tough talk him a little (No, no, that's enough from you, it's past your bedtime) fine...)
Russ VanAllen
Thanks to Ronald, our sound effects guy for adding the sounds for "hotter" and "cooler"
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