There is an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (in case you didn't know). Now of course, somebody has to be blamed, because that's, apparently, how life works. Of course BP is one of those on the "blame list" (I have a "blame list"...you may be on it...but don't worry, I always blame Scott Erno (who is #1 on my list)...ooh, I did a parenthesis in a parenthesis, risque) since they operated the rig, but now, the federal agency charged with the regulation of such stuff is being blamed for understating the impact the oil spill will have on the delicate ecosystem...understating the impact of an oil spill? That's what there mad about? Maybe those who are blaming should just read the news or listen to what the Coast Guard has been saying, because I have and I have rather an acute sense of the terrible impact this mess will cause. It's an oil spill for goodness sakes! Why do you need somebody to tell you how bad it will be (I wonder how many of our tax dollars went into finding how bad an oil spill will be?)...IT'S AN OIL SPILL! I mean, do people really listen to themselves (I know I don't). But, I shouldn't be too hard on them, I mean after all, I would also want to blame somebody else if I were too dumb to figure out how devastating an oil spill would be...and we all know who I would blame.
Russ VanAllen
(Finally a picture! Made by my friend Kimmy!)
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