When politics is just one big, dirty mess, things don't look too bright (not to mention those in politics). But, that is changing, my dear readers. While all eyes were on Tuesday's primaries, and one special election, the House was doing their job; and boy did they do it (the suspense is killing you, I know...but relax, I need time to build up so I can make myself feel relevant) passing HR 1297 (whatever that means) which supports: "the goals and ideals of American Craft Beer Week." My friends (I'm a maverick), I think this is fantastic (our Representatives can finally be open about their alcohol problem). Kudos to Representative Betsy Markey, who sponsored this bill (if she hadn't I know for a fact Pelosi would have), and obviously loves her beer and all that goes with it. Just by reading her speak I know this bill is good for our country, and for America. When talking about it ("it" being beer) she said "You can't just have one" (I think this is the motto above the door of the House of Representatives) "it really depends on what mood you're in. Sometimes I like a light beer - I might want a skinny dip (I'm scared to ask what that is) - or otherwise prefer a heavier brew." This is the reason we elect politicians, they know what they're doing (....). Why would anybody want to vote against this? Well, Sparkey (Oops, Markey....my bad....) doesn't think anybody would, saying "It does seem like a no brainer" (Actually, I think this is the motto above the door of the House of Representatives....). So here's to all the Reps who passed this earth shaking legislation, pour yourself a tall one, Markey and Pelosi grab a skinny dip (AH!! I should not have said that...the imagery...)...cheers...
Russ VanAllen
I wonder if anybody got the maverick joke...hm...oh well.
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