Sunday, May 9, 2010

Life's a mother...

Mothers, the reason we are alive (of course fathers too...but this isn't that type of blog). Today is Mother's Day. A day dedicated to our mothers. My family gets together with my mothers side (which is...quite a treat?) on this day and has some quality family time. It's one of those holidays that actually makes sense to me (yeah, not like that valentines day, I mean come on...but that's a whole other post). Our mothers inspire us, they train us, they rear us, they guide us (they beat us) and encourage us (unless, of course, your mother really does beat you...then this is awkward...). So it's great that we are able to take this day and give back to the women who give so much to and for us. So mom, sit back, relax (do some laundry...and maybe the dishes) and enjoy your day.

So from the soccer mom who drives like a drunken bat out of hell, to those boasting about their honor student at some gifted school, mother's are the reason we are where we are (and why some of us have drinking problems); so on this mother lovin' day, I would like to give a hearty salute to the women who released us from their loins.

Russ VanAllen
I love my mother.

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